American Home Shield

3 Ways Technology is Changing Real Estate

From digital open houses to Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms to bitcoin cryptocurrency, new technologies are taking over the real estate industry by storm and accelerating the pace of business. With tech-savvy Millennials and Generation Y representing the largest group of homebuyers, it is important to power up your career by staying on top of these swiftly …

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Gen Z — the Next Wave of Consumer Game-Changers?

Generation Z, loosely defined as the generation born anywhere from 1995 or 1998 to 2016, is predicted to hit the post-college marketplace in much the same way as millennials — managing considerable debt. Yet simultaneously, they’re gaining traction as the next consumer powerhouse representing billions of dollars for retailers and more. Regarded as the most …

Gen Z — the Next Wave of Consumer Game-Changers? Read More »

Boomerang Buyers Should Be a Focus For Real Estate Professionals in 2018

Get to know this group of potential buyers and find out how you can best help them by finding out what it is they most expect from you. As many as ten million Americans were forced into foreclosure when the housing bubble burst. Now, 1.5 million Americans, or boomerang buyers, are poised to re-enter the …

Boomerang Buyers Should Be a Focus For Real Estate Professionals in 2018 Read More »

Relocating Clients: Challenges and Opportunities

With roughly 1.5 million employer-assisted relocations per year, these types of referrals can make a real estate professional’s phone ring regularly, making it an important niche to explore for your business. The Stress Effect Moving family across the country, away from friends and the familiar and into new schools and neighborhoods, can create a great …

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