Once considered a luxury found mostly in high-end properties, today home offices are mainstream features found in dwellings of all sizes. For real estate professionals, a home office is crucial for being available and responsive to clients in today’s 24/7 world and for keeping real estate transactions moving forward. The way you organize and set up your office largely depends on the type of space available in your home and how you plan to use it. Here are some of the most popular at-home office setups:

Separate, Expansive Space
A dedicated home office space with spacious square footage provides multiple options. You can choose a traditional desk with a credenza or bookcases behind it or an l-shaped or u-shaped workspace with a swivel chair. There’s also probably room for chairs, a small couch for visitors, and perhaps a round table for conferences or additional workspaces. A closet can provide space for storing office supplies, marketing materials, files, and other necessities.
Separate, Small Space
Sometimes home layouts include space for an office, but the area may be small. In this case, look for more compact furniture, such as a scaled-down desk or writing table. Store supplies in containers that can slide under furniture or be tucked away from sight when not in use. Choose a chair that can slide underneath your desk or writing table to maximize floor space. Keep accessories and decorations to a minimum to avoid clutter.
Shared Space
It may be necessary to carve out a corner of an existing room to create an office. You can use screens to block off your office paraphernalia and to give you privacy. Or, consider converting a large piece of furniture, such as an armoire, secretary, or hutch into a desk that can be partially closed off when not in use. Guest or spare bedrooms can also be good spaces to incorporate office areas because they aren’t used every day. Simply add a daybed or a pull-out couch to your office furniture for when guests stay overnight.
Double-Duty Space
If your office area has more than one function in your home, look for convertible or dual-use furniture. Coffee tables with pop-up workspaces and baskets or upholstered containers that double as foot stools or end tables are useful for offices that also serve as living areas. If your space is part of a playroom, basement, or home gym, you might also include a standing desk that enables you to burn more calories and reduce back strain.
No matter what type of home office you have, you’ll want to stock it with the things you need to help clients have successful and enjoyable real estate transactions. Be sure to contact your American Home Shield® Account Manager to make sure you have the latest, professionally designed marketing materials for buyers and sellers. Your American Home Shield Account Manager can also provide materials about special member offers, which include rekey service, pre-season HVAC tune-ups, smart home tech installation and setup services, new appliance and filter discounts (available for sellers when the Seller Coverage Option is chosen), and more.
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